Friday, July 27, 2012

For Safe Styling, Use Protection

There are a lot of things I do that I know aren't good for me, but I do them anyways. Most of these vices are pretty standard - not getting enough beauty rest, imbibing past the point of tipsy, fried food, the occasional nip of a cig... (these last two I blame on the second vice listed). But there is one thing that I can cross off of my bad-things-I-do list... damaging my hair with the blast of the blowdryer & clamp of the flatiron. Oscar Blandi Dry Styling Heat Protect Spray does exactly what the name says & it's fantastic I've used more than a few products that claim to protect my tresses from the extreme measures I put them through all too frequently, but this is the first that I can actually feel working.

The great thing about this spray is that you can (& should!) use it on both damp & dry hair. Other heat protect products are only to be used on wet hair before blow drying or on dry hair before styling with a hot tool... but that always annoyed me because why am I only protecting my hair for one part of the one-two damage punch? I sprayed the Oscar Blandi Dry Styling Heat Protect Spray on my damp hair right out of the shower & then blew it dry (high power, high heat, high damage potential). Instead of being a giant frizz-fro when I was done, my hair was soft & smooth - and I was hooked. I actually barely had to touch it up with my flatiron! But of course, in the name of research, I had to test out its capabilities on dried hair too. I was nervous to spray it on my hair because in the past other products added moisture to my dried hair & caused that horrible sizzle-of-damage with the touch of the flat iron... but the Oscar Blandi Dry Styling Heat Protect Spray was totally different - in a good way. It went on completely dry, left no residue & instead of looking  fried & flattened when I was done, my hair actually looked healthy, smooth & soft! No frizzies, flyaways or all that other jazz my poor damaged hair usually has after I torture it with heat styling.

For any lady who ever uses a blowdryer, flat iron, curling iron, hot rollers or any other tool that scares any man in your life who has ever watched you do your hair - this product is an absolute MUST. And an added bonus - it protects up to 450 degrees! You don't think your hot tool gets that hot? You're wrong. It does. And your poor hair is begging for you to run out & buy Oscar Blandi Dry Styling Heat Protect Spray.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Looks gimmicky, but trust me!

I have to admit, I was wrong. I saw Hawaiian Moon Aloe at a beauty industry tradeshow & my first thought was how much I don't trust products that claim to address a whole laundry list of skin concerns. It actually annoys me when I see those infomercial type products that say they work wonders on everything from acne to eczema. I mean, that's just a flat out lie. And why should I waste my hard earned $$ on buying something that's just going to disappoint? Some might call this being cynical, but I call it being a discerning consumer. So back to the Hawaiian Moon Aloe. Yes, the name is kind of strange. I can't even find a real website. The product itself looks like it belongs on an infomercial. And don't even get me started on absurdly long list of skin ailments it promises to improve. Okay, so now that I'm done completely knocking this product, let me reiterate that I was totally wrong in all of my assumptions.

Hawaiian Moon Aloe is amazing. I was a bit concerned that I'd made a horrible financial investment (minor exaggeration) when I spent $60 on a 9 oz. jar of the stuff. But the smallest amount spreads SO far - I have used it every day since I bought it a few weeks ago & it still looks completely full! It dries almost instantly & leaves my skin feeling ridiculously smooth & soft. I use it head to toe & felt so great about my face today that I went to work naked-faced! (Ok, I was running REALLY late so the state of my skin wasn't really a factor in the sans make-up decision, BUT my skin did looks great). Let alone how incredible this stuff feels to use, it actually delivers on the improvements it claims... at least the few that I've experienced... some on their list I literally have never heard of in my life! (Edema, Candida, Folliculitis, Impetigo???)

I burnt my forehead & nose pretty badly & should have been punished with some seriously gross peeling, but I slathered Hawaiian Moon Aloe on religiously & the nasty burn oh-so-quickly turned into a nice tan. A few days later I got attacked by some killer mosquitoes after a day in the park & had about 8 big bites all over my leg. So I decided to test out the claims to help insect bites & itching... and even as a devout "After Bite" user, I have to admit, the Hawaiian Moon Aloe tempered the incessant itching and the bites actually went away much faster than usual. Other things I've seen marked improvement in with this cream: Eczema, sun spots, spider veins, blisters, cuts, chapped lips, a random allergic reaction rash (Is that TMI??)... So check it out. You can buy it only on or 888-ALOE-CRM (888-256-3276). Like I said, seems like an infomercial fail, but I'm drinking the Kool-Aid on this one.