Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Fave Moisturizer of the Moment

I'm a moisturizer freak. I slather myself with lotion from head to toe twice a day. I have an eye cream, a face lotion, a neck cream, a body lotion & a hand cream - all separate products & several different varieties of each (I'm fully aware that this is not normal). My latest favorite hand cream is actually a sample I got from one of my many Sephora shopping trips (okay, shopping SPREES is more like it). DERMAdoctor KP duty dermatologist moisturizing therapy for dry skin - not the world's most catchy name - but truth be told, I picked the sample solely for the funny purple chicken on the packaging Since I work in skincare, I love to use products that are actually "clinically proven" to do whatever they're supposed to do & this product fits the bill. The whole brand incorporates medically proven technology to combat a host of common (& not so common) dermatological issues. Turns out, DERMAdoctor's KP duty is formulated to not only improve dry, rough skin but also to get rid of those nasty "chicken bumps" too. I used to recommend simple exfoliant + lotion combo to help get rid of  chicken bumps (apparently Keratosis Pilaris is the formal name for "chicken bumps" - who knew?). But once I found out that there are actual products purposed just for that, I had to try it out. So I've swapped out my regular body lotion & have been using KP duty on the backs of my arms where I get those bumps & they're totally gone - seriously! You can't ask for more from a product than to do exactly what it says it will!

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